Bloor Homes Update December 2017

Published: 08 December 2017

The Parish Council has worked extremely hard to try to persuade Bloor Homes not to use Coppice Walk for access by construction traffic. However, at a recent meeting between representatives of the Parish Council, Bloor Homes and the Head of Planning at SMBC it was obvious that the decision to use this access was not going to change. Other issues on site were also raised.

As a result of this meeting it was agreed that Bloor Homes would notify the Parish Council when significant actions are going to take place including letting us know in advance when the access will be opened up so that the Parish Council can keep residents informed. Deliveries will only take place between 9.15 am and 3 pm on weekdays (ie not on Saturdays and Sundays) and all companies supplying the site have been told which route to take (via Tanworth Lane, Watery Lane and into Coppice Walk). Signs are to be erected on Coppice Walk to warn drivers of the site access and also to tell suppliers which way to turn on leaving the site.

The issue of work starting using heavy vehicles and making considerable noise before 8 am was also raised. The Parish Council has been asked to monitor this and let Bloor Homes know when it happens. It would therefore be helpful, if residents could inform the Parish Council if and when they witness this occurring so that we can pass this information on. Please email with any details.

The amount of rubbish was also mentioned and this should be monitored by Bloor Homes. Also, hopefully, the blocks left in Mount Brook by the bridge off Saxon Wood Road should be removed.

The Parish Council will update residents further when we receive any new information.