Recent News

Objection to planning application for land south of Dog Kennel lane

Published: 17 Jun 24

Objection to planning application for land south of Dog Kennel Lane

Annual Return 2024

Published: 29 May 24

Annual Return 2024

Councillor Vacancy

Published: 10 Sep 23

Councillor Vacancy

Councillor Vacancy

Published: 13 Jun 23

Councillor Vacancy

Annual Return 2023

Published: 27 May 23

Annual Return 2023

Councillor Vacancies

Published: 25 May 23

Councillor Vacancies

Meeting between GPS and patients of the Village Surgery

Published: 6 Apr 23

Meeting between GPS and patients of the Village Surgery

Notice of Uncontested Election

Published: 6 Apr 23

Notice of Uncontested Election

Noice of Election May 2023

Published: 22 Mar 23

Notice of Election May 2023

Parish Council Meeting 9 March 2023 postponed

Published: 9 Mar 23

Parish Council Meeting 9 March 2023 postponed

Age UK information

Published: 11 Nov 22

Age UK information

Annual Return 2022

Published: 26 May 22

Annual Return 2022

Newsletter May 2022

Published: 18 May 22

Newsletter May 2022

Casual Vacancy

Published: 15 Mar 22

Casual Vacancy

Newsletter February 2022

Published: 7 Feb 22

Newsletter February 2022

Latest response to proposal to expand Cheswick Green Primary School

Published: 6 Feb 22

Latest response to proposal to expand Cheswick Green Primary School

Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Published: 29 Jan 22

Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Casual Vacancy

Published: 29 Jan 22

Casual Vacancy

Message re proposed school expansion

Published: 23 Jan 22

Message re proposed school expansion

Grounds maintenance contract

Published: 18 Jan 22

Grounds maintenance contract

Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Published: 5 Jan 22

Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Christmas Event

Published: 12 Nov 21

Christmas Event

Car Park

Published: 24 Oct 21

Car Park

Councillor Vacancy

Published: 13 Sep 21

Councillor Vacancy

Annual Return 2021 conclusion of audit

Published: 3 Sep 21

Annual Return 2021 conclusion of audit

Objection to the Proposed Expansion Of Cheswick Green Primary School

Published: 14 Jul 21

Objection to the Proposed Expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Speed Limit Changes

Published: 1 Jul 21

Speed Limit Changes


Published: 26 Jun 21


Annual Return 2021

Published: 6 Jun 21

Annual Return 2021

Speed Limit Changes

Published: 6 Jun 21

Speed Limit Changes

Motorway services

Published: 20 May 21

Motorway services


Published: 24 Feb 21



Published: 18 Feb 21


Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Published: 15 Feb 21

Proposed expansion of Cheswick Green Primary School

Latest News

Published: 18 Dec 20

Latest News

Response to Consultation on Site South of Dog Kennel Lane

Published: 11 Dec 20

Response to consultation on Site to the South of Dog Kennel Lane

Solihull Local Plan Review

Published: 21 Nov 20

Solihull Local Plan Review

Proposal to increase the size of Cheswick Green School

Published: 21 Nov 20

Proposal to increase the size of Cheswick Green School

Exercise Class cancellation

Published: 30 Oct 20

Exercise Class cancellation

Annual Return 2020 - conclusion of audit

Published: 14 Sep 20

Annual Return 2020 -conclusion of audit

Temporary road closure - Creynolds Lane

Published: 29 Aug 20

Temporary road closure - Creynolds Lane

Temporary road closure - Salter Street

Published: 29 Aug 20

Temporary road closure - Salter Street

Parish Council Meetings

Published: 24 Jul 20

Parish Council Meetings

Recreation Ground closure

Published: 17 Jul 20

Recreation Ground closure

Antisocial Behaviour on the Recreation Ground

Published: 15 Jul 20

Antisocial Behaviour on the Recreation Ground

Parish Council Meetings

Published: 30 Jun 20

Parish Council Meetings

Annual Return 2020

Published: 17 Jun 20

Annual Return 2020

Help with Food for Your Family

Published: 2 May 20

Help with Food for Your Family

Scams related to Coronavirus

Published: 1 May 20

Scams related to Coronavirus

Parish Council Meetings

Published: 1 May 20

Parish Council Meetings

Coronavirus and the Parish Council

Published: 3 Apr 20

Coronavirus and the Parish Council

Cancellation of Velo 2020

Published: 20 Mar 20

Cancellation of Velo 2020

Meeting Cancellation/Postponement

Published: 19 Mar 20

Meeting Cancellation/Postponement

Anniversary Event

Published: 19 Mar 20

Anniversary Event

Memories of Cheswick Green

Published: 7 Mar 20

Memories of Cheswick Green

Invitation to Flooding Event

Published: 2 Mar 20

Invitation to Flooding Event

Velo 2020

Published: 21 Feb 20

Velo 2020

Anniversary Event

Published: 14 Feb 20

Anniversary Event

Results of Traffic and Bus Surveys

Published: 14 Jan 20

Results of Traffic and Bus Surveys


Published: 12 Dec 19


Cheswick Green History Book

Published: 8 Dec 19

Cheswick Green History Book

Christmas Lights switch on

Published: 14 Nov 19

Christmas Lights switch on

Temporary closure of the Recreation Ground

Published: 16 Aug 19

Temporary closure of the Recreation Ground

Parish Council Update

Published: 23 May 19

Parish Council Update

Annual Return 2019

Published: 23 May 19

Annual Return 2019

Party in the Park - joint statement

Published: 4 May 19

Party in the Park - joint statement

Notice of Election

Published: 25 Mar 19

Notice of Election

Stratford Road/Creynolds Lane Junction

Published: 22 Mar 19

Stratford Road/Creynolds Lane Junction

Parish Council responses to LDP Supplementary Consultation

Published: 20 Mar 19

Parish Council responses to LDP supplementary consultation

Use of the Recreation Ground for a Community Event

Published: 20 Mar 19

Use of the Recreation Ground for a Community Event

Site 12 Road Survey

Published: 3 Feb 19

Site 12 Road Survey

Parish Council Elections May 2019

Published: 1 Feb 19

Parish Council Elections May 2019

Flooding Update

Published: 25 Jan 19

Flooding Update

Local Plan Review

Published: 25 Jan 19

Local Plan Review

Parish Council Update

Published: 21 Jan 19

Parish Council Update

War Memorial Dedication

Published: 21 Jan 19

War Memorial Dedication

Stratford Road Creynolds Lane Junction

Published: 17 Jan 19

Stratford Road Creynolds Lane Junction

Police Survey

Published: 3 Dec 18

Police Survey

Stratford Road Creynolds Lane Junction

Published: 30 Nov 18

Stratford Road Creynolds Lane Junction

Memorial Stones

Published: 30 Nov 18

Memorial Stones


Published: 28 Nov 18


Event about Flooding

Published: 26 Oct 18

Event about Flooding

Creynolds Lane Closure

Published: 24 Oct 18

Creynolds Lane Closure

Response to Survey on Bus Service

Published: 14 Oct 18

Response to Survey on Bus Service

Councillor Vacancies

Published: 10 Oct 18

Councillor Vacancies

Follow up meeting on Flooding

Published: 3 Oct 18

Follow up meeting on Flooding

Annual Return 2018

Published: 23 Sep 18

Annual Return 2018

Consultation on Changes to Bus Routes

Published: 21 Sep 18

Consultation on Changes to Bus Routes

Casual Vacancy

Published: 19 Sep 18

Casual Vacancy

Tesco Bags of Help

Published: 6 Sep 18

Tesco Bags of Help

Casual Vacancy

Published: 31 Aug 18

Casual Vacancy

Report on Flooding Meeting 22 August 2018

Published: 27 Aug 18

Report on Flooding Meeting 22 August 2018

Presentation Regarding Flooding

Published: 30 Jul 18

Presentation Regarding Flooding


Published: 19 Jul 18


Parish Council Meeting Postponed

Published: 9 Jul 18

Parish Council Meeting Postponed

Letter from Caroline Spelman re unauthorised encampments

Published: 15 Jun 18

Letter from Caroline Spelman re unauthorised encampments

Annual Return 2018

Published: 7 Jun 18

Annual Return 2018


Published: 31 May 18


Housing on Blythe Valley Park

Published: 19 May 18

Housing on Blythe Valley Park

Website Links

Published: 14 May 18

Website Links

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Published: 30 Apr 18

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Published: 26 Apr 18

Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Published: 25 Apr 18

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Junction at the bottom of Creynolds Lane

Published: 12 Apr 18

Junction at the bottom of Creyolds Lane

Blythe Valley Park Housing Development

Published: 29 Mar 18

Blythe Valley Park Housing Development

Parish Council Exercise Class

Published: 27 Mar 18

Parish Council Exercise Class

Neighbourhood Plan Survey Reminder

Published: 24 Mar 18

Neighbourhood Plan Survey Reminder

Neighbourhood Plan Surgery

Published: 17 Mar 18

Neighbourhood Plan Surgery

Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 16 Mar 18

Neighbourhood Plan

Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 7 Mar 18

Neighbourhood Plan

Statutory Annual Parish Meeting

Published: 7 Mar 18

Statutory Annual Parish Meeting

Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Published: 6 Mar 18

Neighbourhood Plan Survey

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Published: 26 Feb 18

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 25 Feb 18

Neighbourhood Plan

Mr Len Cresswell

Published: 16 Feb 18

Mr Len Cresswell

St Patrick's Church - Messy Church

Published: 8 Feb 18

St Patrick's Church - Messy Church

St Patrick's Church Christingle

Published: 31 Jan 18

St Patrick's Church Christingle

Junction at the Bottom of Creynolds Lane

Published: 24 Jan 18

Junction at the bottom of Creynolds Lane

Bus Service Complaints

Published: 19 Jan 18

Bus Service Complaints

Parish Council Office closure

Published: 20 Dec 17

Parish Council Office closure

Parish Council meeting 13 December 2017

Published: 12 Dec 17

Parish Council meeting 13 December 2017

Coppice Walk access

Published: 11 Dec 17

Coppice Walk access

Bloor Homes Update December 2017

Published: 8 Dec 17

Bloor Homes Update December 2017

St. Patrick's Church Messy Church and Christmas

Published: 1 Dec 17

St Patrick's Church Messy Church and Christmas

Boys Brigade 100 tasks

Published: 27 Nov 17

Boys Brigade 100 tasks

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Published: 27 Nov 17

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Parish Councillor Vacancies

Published: 27 Nov 17

Parish Councillor Vacancies

November Newsletter

Published: 22 Nov 17

November Newsletter

Proposed base station installation

Published: 21 Nov 17

Proposed base station installation

Cheswick Green Christmas Lights

Published: 17 Nov 17

Cheswick Green Christmas Lights

Saint Patrick's Church, Christmas Fayre

Published: 12 Nov 17

Saint Patrick's Church, Christmas Fayre

Cheswick Place - Coppice Walk Access

Published: 28 Oct 17

Cheswick Place - Coppice Walk Access

Cheswick Place Development

Published: 24 Oct 17

Cheswick Place Development

Councillor Vacancies

Published: 23 Oct 17

Councillor Vacancies

Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Results

Published: 18 Oct 17

Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Results

Cheswick Place Development

Published: 17 Oct 17

Cheswick Place Development

St. Patrick's, Salter Street

Published: 7 Sep 17

St. Patrick's, Salter Street

Parish Council Exercise Class

Published: 4 Sep 17

Parish Council Exercise Class

Office Closure

Published: 2 Aug 17

Office Closure

Recreation Ground

Published: 2 Aug 17

Recreation Ground

Village Hall Bookings

Published: 14 Jul 17

Village Hall Bookings

Village Hall Management

Published: 13 Jul 17

Village Hall Management

Cheswick Place - Bloor Homes Site

Published: 10 Jul 17

Cheswick Place - Bloor Homes Site

Messy Church

Published: 5 Jul 17

Messy Church

Neighbourhood Plan Consultations

Published: 21 Jun 17

Neighbourhood Plan Consultations

Recreation Committee Vacancy

Published: 19 Jun 17

Recreation Committee Vacancy

Parish Councillor Vacancies

Published: 19 Jun 17

Parish Councillor Vacancies

In Memoriam Service

Published: 13 Jun 17

In Memoriam Service

Teddy Bears Picnic

Published: 8 Jun 17

Teddy Bears Picnic

Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 5 Jun 17

Neighbourhood Plan

Annual Return 2017

Published: 4 Jun 17

Annual Return 2017

Neighbourhood Plan

Published: 18 May 17

Neighbourhood Plan

Councillor Vacancies

Published: 15 May 17

Councillor Vacancies

Community Litter Pick

Published: 11 May 17

Community Litter Pick

Unauthorised Encampments

Published: 27 Apr 17

Unauthorised Encampments

Precept update

Published: 20 Apr 17

Precept update

Reports on the work of the Parish Council 2016 - 2017

Published: 20 Apr 17

Reports on the work of the Parish Council 2016 - 2017


Published: 14 Apr 17


Easter Services at St Patrick's Church

Published: 6 Apr 17

Easter Services at St Patrick's Church

Cheswick Green Mount

Published: 5 Apr 17

Cheswick Green Mount

Shop Frontages

Published: 30 Mar 17

Shop Frontages


Published: 22 Mar 17


Solihull Local Plan Review

Published: 10 Mar 17

Solihull Local Plan Revew

February Newsletter

Published: 28 Feb 17

February Newsletter

Parish Council Office closure

Published: 20 Feb 17

Parish Council Office Closure

Cheswick Green Neighbourhood Watch

Published: 10 Feb 17

Cheswick Green Neighbourhood Watch

Mount Dairy Farm / Cheswick Place

Published: 29 Jan 17

Mount Dairy Farm / Cheswick Place

Grounds maintenance

Published: 21 Dec 16

Grounds maintenance

Christmas lights

Published: 23 Nov 16

Christmas lights

Village Hall Roof

Published: 20 Nov 16

Village Hall Roof

Mount Dairy Farm update November 2016

Published: 11 Nov 16

Mount Dairy Farm update November 2016

October Newsletter

Published: 31 Oct 16

October Newsletter

Village Hall Roof Update 27 Oct 2016

Published: 27 Oct 16

Village Hall Roof Update 27 October 2016

Bus Service

Published: 23 Oct 16

Bus Service

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Published: 19 Oct 16

Parish Council Exercise Classes

Exercise Class

Published: 14 Oct 16

Exercise Class

Village Hall Roof Update 6 Oct 2016

Published: 6 Oct 16

Village Hall Roof Update 6 October 2016

Bloor Homes Update

Published: 29 Sep 16

Bloor Homes Update

Annual Return 2016

Published: 21 Sep 16

Annual Return 2016

Village Hall Roof

Published: 19 Sep 16

Village Hall Roof

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Published: 19 Sep 16

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Mount Dairy Farm update August 2016

Published: 9 Aug 16

Mount Dairy Farm update August 2016

Mount Dairy Farm

Published: 8 Aug 16

Mount Dairy Farm

Parish Council Office closure

Published: 27 Jul 16

Parish Council Office closure

Concrete Table Tennis Table

Published: 26 Jul 16

Concrete Table Tennis Table

Proposed Motorway Services J4

Published: 20 Jul 16

Proposed Motorway Services J4

Questionnaire on Blythe Valley Application

Published: 13 Jul 16

Questionnaire on Blythe Valley

Tesco Bags of Help

Published: 2 Jul 16

Tesco Bags of Help

Mount Dairy Farm

Published: 2 Jul 16

Mount Dairy Farm

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Published: 2 Jul 16

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Questionnaire on Blythe Valley Application

Published: 23 Jun 16

Questionnaire on Blythe Valley Application

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Published: 15 Jun 16

Blythe Valley Park Planning Application

Annual Return 2016

Published: 3 Jun 16

Annual Return 2016

Mobile Library

Published: 3 Jun 16

Mobile Library

Memorial Stones

Published: 27 May 16

Memorial Stones

Mount Dairy Farm Update May 2016

Published: 23 May 16

Mount Dairy Farm Update May 2016

Councillor Vacancy

Published: 21 May 16

Councillor Vacancy

May Newsletter

Published: 17 May 16

May Newsletter

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Published: 13 May 16

Annual Meeting of the Parish Council

Tree in Memory of Chris Noble

Published: 9 May 16

Tree in Memory of Chris Noble

Councillor Vacancies

Published: 6 Apr 16

Councillor Vacancies

Mount Dairy Farm Update April 2016

Published: 5 Apr 16

Mount Dairy Farm Update April 2016

Mount Dairy Farm Update March 2016

Published: 22 Mar 16

Mount Dairy Farm Update March 2016

Blythe Valley Park

Published: 22 Mar 16

Blythe Valley Park

Consultation on update to Solihull Local Plan

Published: 22 Mar 16

Consultation on the update to Solihull Local Plan

Enhancement of Cheswick Green shop frontages

Published: 22 Mar 16

Enhancement of Cheswick Green shop frontages

Tesco Bags of Help Scheme

Published: 22 Mar 16

Tesco Bags of Help Scheme

Councillor Vacancy

Published: 17 Mar 16

Councillor Vacancy

Bags of Help

Published: 27 Feb 16

Bags of Help

Clean for the Queen

Published: 19 Feb 16

Clean for the Queen

Newsletter and Presentation

Published: 16 Feb 16

Newsletter and Presentation

Christmas Lights

Published: 1 Dec 15

Christmas lights! (10 December 2015) The 'Big Switch On' of the Cheswick Green Christmas lights will take place on Saturday 19 December at 5:00pm.

Mount Dairy Farm - Update

Published: 30 Nov 15

Bloor Homes appointed contractors will be on site from Monday 14 December 2015 to undertake preparatory works.

CGPC Website

Published: 9 Nov 15

The Parish Council is about to launch its new website.

Blythe Valley Park Update

Published: 17 Jul 15

The new owners of Blythe Valley Park, IM Properties, have developed a new website.

New Parish Council

Published: 21 May 15

The new Parish Council for the four year period May 2015 to May 2019 was elected on Thursday May 7th 2015.

No Poll in Parish Council Election

Published: 10 Apr 15

No need for poll in Parish Council Election.