Parish Council Meetings

Published: 30 June 2020

Dear residents/parishioners,

During this period of Stay at Home - Save Lives - Protect the NHS, it is not possible to hold our usual monthly meetings in the Village Hall, where the public and press are normally invited to attend.

Our last meeting was held on Wednesday 11th March 2020; the Annual Statutory Parish Assembly was due to take place on Wednesday 25th March 2020; this meeting has been cancelled/postponed, as were all other meetings.

The Parish Council has been informed legislation has been amended to allow remote meetings to take place. Therefore, the Parish Council will be meeting via Zoom on Wednesday 8th July 2020 at 3pm. If you have any questions or concerns you wish to put to the Parish Council, please email these to the Clerk and we will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

If you wish to join the meeting please send your email address to the clerk asap. Thank you.