🗞 Latest News 🗞 Creynolds Lane Crossroads
On Friday 11th December 2020, we met with Officers of the Council and members of the Committee of Earlswood Cricket Club to discuss improvement work at Creynolds Lane crossroads. The Council is seeking permission to remove a length of hedgerow currently on the boundary of the club grounds and plant a new hedgerow/fence further in from the boundary. The purpose is to create better sightlines for motorists as they approach the crossroads. Earlswood Cricket Club have agreed in principle, subject to the Council providing a drawing a detailing the works to be undertaken. The Council have confirmed that the vegetation in relation to the crossroads will be regularly cut to maintain the sightlines.
The Phone Box Book Swap
Thank you to all residents who put forward suggestions regarding where the phone box should be sited. Unfortunately, we are unable to utilise the site of choice due to a number of requirements which we do not believe to be viable. An alternative site on Parish Council land is currently being sought.
Dog Kennel Lane & CGP School
We and two residents have spoken to The Birmingham Mail about our objections to the extension of CGP School and the development of land to build 1000 plus houses at Dog Kennel Lane. It will be interesting to see how our comments are interpreted in print. Our objections to both proposals have been submitted to the Council.
The document relating to the development of Dog Kennel Lane raises several points regarding the legality of the development. We will be seeking advice from a planning law consultant shortly.
Improvements around the Village
We have several projects in progress (delayed due to covid19) that will be undertaken during 2021. Some of those works are at the Recreation Ground and others are Village wide.
A change to the level of precept may be approved by the Parish Council for 2021/22. Residents will be provided with further details in the New Year.