Stratford Road/Creynolds Lane Junction

Published: 22 March 2019

The Parish Council has just received notification from SMBC of the following temporary road closures.


A34 Stratford Road/Creynolds Lane, Shirley Notice of Temporary Traffic Restrictions

The Council gives notice under Sections 14 and 15 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991), being satisfied that all traffic should be restricted or prohibited to ensure that highway works can be undertaken in safety.

Monday 1st April to Friday 5th April 2019 (0930hrs to 1530hrs daily).

Banned Left-hand turn onto Creynolds Lane, Shirley (from A34 Stratford Road, northbound direction heading towards Dog Kennel Lane) Alternative routes for traffic will be signed via A34 Stratford Road, Dog Kennel Lane, Tanworth Lane and Watery Lane.

Banned Right-hand turn onto Creynolds Lane, Shirley (from A34 Stratford Road, southbound direction heading towards M42) Alternative routes for traffic will be signed via A34 Stratford Road, Dog Kennel Lane, Tanworth Lane and Watery Lane.

Informatory warning signs will be deployed, not less than seven days before any particular road will be closed, at the following location. Access for emergency services will be maintained at all times. Pedestrian and vehicle access to all properties within the restriction will be maintained along defined routes throughout the period of the closure.

For further information contact: M Lambe Construction Ltd – 07812 118 860.


Head of Highway Services
Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council Manor Square, Solihull, B91 3QB

25 March 2019