Parish Council Update
Published: 23 May 2019
Cheswick Green Parish Council Update
6 people were elected uncontested in the recent elections:-
Margaret Gosling - Chair
Sam Sedgley - Vice Chair
Mick Swain
Pete Townsend
Michelle Smith
Len Creswell
There is currently one vacancy – the Parish Council would very much like to fill this vacancy by co-option, if you are interested please apply – form and information available on the Parish Councils website –
Parish Council Meetings
Dates and times of Parish Council meetings are advertised on notice boards and the website. Members of the press and public are welcome to attend.
Recreation Ground
Residents and visitors are welcome to enjoy the facilities but not to use it as a toilet (witnessed by a Councillor on Saturday). Anti Social behaviour will not be tolerated, if you witness this please report it to police via 101 or online, it is an offence.
Village Hall
CCTV and external lighting has now been installed, the car park is now fully covered.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
The Parish Council has received a CIL payment, some of which may be spent on traffic calming measures. Do you have any ideas for spending this money that will benefit our community?
The wooden bench on the green by the Doctors Surgery dedicated to Gwen Fincham – 60’s Club is unsafe and is being removed by SMBC on health and safety grounds. Does anyone know of any relatives of Gwen?
Some roads in Cheswick have planters situated under road signs. The Parish Council is intending to repair where possible and replant. Ideally we would like someone in each road where they are located to adopt their planter. If you would like to do this or would like a planter in your road please contact the Parish Clerk.
Contacting the Parish Council
The Parish Council does not conduct business via Facebook, please feel free to leave comments but any enquiry that requires an answer should be addressed to the Parish Clerk, Marie Zizzi either in writing or by email.
Address Email
Cheswick Green Parish Council,
Cheswick Green Village Hall,
Cheswick Way,
Cheswick Green,
Solihull, B90 4JA